Misconception About The Church And Truth Behind Them Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 by Apostle Femi Lazarus
Misconceptions about church ministry often result in ineffectiveness, disappointment or even conflict. A misconception refers to something we don’t see accurately, or our perspective is in some way skewed. A common misconception is that leadership in ministry is reserved for a few highly gifted and deeply spiritual people. If that were true, a lot of us wouldn’t make it. First, that perspective suggests that spiritual leaders are something greater than they are, which can result in placing them on a pedestal. Second, that thinking creates an easy escape from what God may be calling many to do. The truth is that ministry leadership was designed for very ordinary followers of Jesus who are willing to serve. The many ministry misconceptions that exist can hurt any leader’s ability to lead at their best, or lead with joy, or both. You need to listen to this ser…