THY KINGDOM COME By Apostle Joshua Selman MP3
1 Corinthians 15:47-49, Matthew 6:10
There is a system in God that can help you manifest the image of the heaven. As we behold the heaven, we begin to experience transformation, and we begin to look heavenly, as we change from one glory to another glory is called transformation.
The process that makes you to be like Jesus Christ is the process of alignment and conformity, that make a man to become manifestation and expression in the heavenly. The system by which the earthly become the heavenly, weak becomes strong, carnal becomes spiritual.
The desire of God is that the fullness of His glory, wisdom, power, culture finds expression in the earth exactly the way it finds expression in the heaven. It is an atmosphere that find the reflection of His character.
The fullness of God will only be understood when His kingdom come, if the fullness of God does not show up to a certain level, His fullness will remain fake & misunderstood, and that misconception will…
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