Anointing is that which enables an ordinary human being to do extraordinary things. Anointing is different from human developed skills and craftiness. You can be talented but not anointed. There is a big gap between the manifestation of anointing and that of talent. While anointing affects the spirit, soul and the body of men, talents influences the soul and the body of men. Although anointing is not a visible entity, His operations are felt by everyone on whom it He descend. Just as the flow of electricity and the ray of the sun light, anointing cannot be held and view but powerful enough to transform the lives of men. You don’t need to tell people when you are filled with the anointing, the manifestation of the anointing in your life will reveal himself. Anointing can be transferred from one sources to any by conduction. When you touch someone or something with the intention to transfer anointing to the same person or things. Also anointing can be transferred by convention, when you touch an object and expect it to transfer anointing to so many other things. There are other ways through which you can receive the anointing and transfer anointing. Listen to this teaching and you will be blessed greatly.