The present day activities of men pose more threat to the survival of the children God hoping to be holy. The larger systems of world embraces immorality and iniquities in the name of civilization and socialization. Those things that are long-time abomination onto God are quickly becoming the delight of sons men.And anyone who refuse to walk in the evil path is labelled a too religious or too foolish. Such person become isolated and treated as a bad person only because he/she loves to do the will of God. Although the experience is not palatable and convenient to bear, however, there is a demand on us as christian to live above the pressures from the environment in which we find ourselves. The act and practices of godliness may be scorned by the system in which you find yourself, it is not an opportunity for your to join the multitude and perpetrated evil. If you won’t shine as light in the midst of darkness, why then are you a christian? If the untamed desires that drives the people of the world still drive you to do evil why then did Christ died and risen? You were not called into the family of God through Christ to be a secret agent, you were called to show forth the marvelous light of God that Has called you everywhere you are. This is a powerful message to the body of Christ living in this perilous time if the world. You shall be blessed listening.