Tribulation Of A Servant King Part 1 & 2 by Apostle Christian Nwoke
As long as the king is a child he differeth not from a servant and there is tribulation in that land where the king is a child. The land is refered to the place of Destiny and if a man is still a child he will not be able to come to the fullness of his destiny. Inheritance is only handed over to sons and not children. Any man that is still an infact in spiritual matters when he ought to have grown into his prieshood and becoming a king such a man will suffer woe. Every servant king will suffer tribulation. The will of GOd is that we grow into maturity. Coming into Sonship is the plan for God for believer so we can overcome tribulation. As new born babes desires the sincere milk of the word of God that they may Grow. So fo rthe land not to suffer woe and tribulation we need to Grow Click on the links below to listen to this ser…