The Seven Seals by Apostle Femi Lazarus
The seven seals are some of the most notable apocalyptic symbols in a book brimming with them. Schools of eschatology, the branch of theology concerned with the end-time, debate their overall meaning as well as what triggers their opening and what each seal brings. Christian preterists and historicists have assigned the breaking of the first four seals to historical eras, particularly during and directly after the latter days of the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, Christian idealists and futurists believe the seven seals to be prophecies of the Last Judgment and have connected them to the societal ills of the modern day.. In the scroll that only Jesus was worthy to open we see God’s plan to offer salvation through the Cross. That New Covenant will enable those who love and worship Him to live as overcomers in His Kingdom even in this present, evil time. Jesus said the birth pains of the end times would happen in the generation of his audience, and the glorified saints in ppear to have suffered under all four trials portrayed in the seals. You need listen to this ser…
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