Strategies For Advantage In The Last Days by Apostle Michael Orokpo
According to the Bible, there are four attacks that will come against the church and against you. The devil knows that his time is up and he knows that he is going to be bound for a thousand years and that after that he will be thrown into the lake of fire. He wants to take as many people with him and that includes you and me. There are things that are coming upon the earth. People, communities, and nations may not survive, but God’s people will be strong. We will survive and we will have the strategy to survive because we have the Spirit of prophecy that prepares us for where we are going and what we are to do. We have to make sure that he does not do that to us. In the last days, there are going to be seducing spirits that will be unleashed against God’s people. You need to listen to this ser…
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