[Audio] Download The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit by Apostle Michael Orokpo

Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit by Apostle Michael Orokpo MP3

Apostle Michael Orokpo

2 Corinthians 5:19 and 21, Colossians 2:14.
The Holy Ghost came to us to make everything we have given in Christ a daily experience. He came to us to make righteousness to us as a life.

The Holy Spirit comes to bring into existence everything Christ did. Romans 6:11,14. He came to make the son known.

If you don’t know the Son, you cannot know the riches of your inheritance of salvation, you will never walk to the fullness to the dictate of your calling, you will never know the power of God such as when He raised Him from the dead and you can never advantage in warfare.

The Holy Spirit will do these by bringing us to working knowledge of the w…

This is a powerful teaching on the person of the holy ghost. Download and listen to it right away!

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