Note: Click on each link to access any devotional of your choice
1. Open Heavens by RCCG (The Word Delivers)
2. Daily Manna by DCLM (Love for The Prodigal)
3. Mountain Top by MFM (Healing from the Wounds of Self-Guilt (2)
4. Day by Day by Billy Graham (Believe in The Holy Spirit)
5. Andrew Wommack’s Devotional (Mystery Of The Trinity)
6. Rhapsody of Realities By Christ Embassy (Pray for All Men)
7. Dunamis Seed of Destiny by Dunamis (The Ignorance of God’s Word – A Threat to Destiny)
8. Our Daily Bread Devotionals (The Kingdom of God)
9. Scripture Union Devotionals (Disciplines of a Godly Leader)
10. Our Daily Manna (Follow the Shepherd; He knows the way There)
11. Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional (Intimate Connection with Christ)
12. Kenneth Copeland Devotional (Play to Win)
13. Joyce Meyer Devotional (God is Faithful)
14. Stream in the Desert Daily Devotional (Picture of Rest)
15. Good news Devotionals (“Never Too Late”)
16. Catholic Daily Mass Online Reading
17. Joseph Prince Devotionals (What Are You Hearing about Jesus?)
Note: Click on each link to access any devotional of your choice
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