DOWNLAOD MP3: The Rain That Brings Growth by Pastor Paul JERE (Sermon)

The Rain That Brings Growth by Pastor Paul JERE

DOWNLAOD MP3: The Rain That Brings Growth by Pastor Paul JERE (Sermon) 4Every form of plant we see today was created by the word of the lord on the third day of creation. But there was no rain for the plants to grow because there was no man to till the ground. The word of God carries what is in the mind of God and the word creates and for it to desmostrate and be made manifest there is a need for rain to fall. Whatever God has said concerning us will come ot pass in its season. Rain is the hold of every farmer for the next season of their harvest. God wants to drop something in our live sbut we need teh rain of the spirit to see it come to manifestation. everyman that will be the carrier and agent of revival is going to be successful in doing so when the rain if God’s spirit falls upon him. It is the rain if the spirit that causes growth. You need to listen to this ser…

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