DOWNLOAD MP3: Empowered By Light by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon)

Empowered By Light by Apostle Joshua Selman

DOWNLOAD MP3: Empowered By Light by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon) 4

Day only happens when we have light. You are only in your day when you access light. Light takes away haziness and confusing. Light in the scripture symbolizes 3 things: Knowledge, Manifestation and Glory. Spiritual illumination is for those that are in the kingdom in the first place. What is written is greater than what you saw. What is written is greater than what you heard. When ignorance unites with pride it finally chains you at the same level. If you ignore light, you have made a bad Bargain with your destiny. Light translates to knowledge. 6 dimensions of knowledge (light) every believer must know was mentioned in this sermon. You need to listen to this ser…

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