DOWNLOAD MP3: Humble Thyself by Bro. Gbile Akanni (Sermon)

Humble Thyself by Bro. Gbile Akanni

DOWNLOAD MP3: Humble Thyself by Bro. Gbile Akanni (Sermon) 4

In this sermon the brother Gbile talks about the evil of pride, and why it is a great hinderance to revival, community, and blessing. If you wonder why you haven’t been growing in grace, or why there is no revivals in the west, or why the heavens feel as if they are brass in your prayer life, please do have a listen. Let us be doers of the Word, and not just hearers only. Pride is a direct insult on the personality of God. It could manifest in the matter of independence. A proud man wants to attract his personal ability as a reason not to be subjugated to someone else. To walk with God or get to know Him at all, you must humble yourself. This is because He will only reveal Himself to the humble. Pride and God don’t go together at all. A humble man is completely dependent on the Lord. You need to listen to this ser…

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