DOWNLOAD MP3: MORE THAN CONQUERORS Part 1 & 2 BY Apostle Joshua Selman March 9, 2025

DOWNLOAD MP3: More Than Conquerors Part 2 BY Apostle Joshua Selman

DOWNLOAD MP3: MORE THAN CONQUERORS Part 1 & 2 BY Apostle Joshua Selman March 9, 2025 2

Did you miss today’s Koinonia Abuja Service for March 9, 2025, Titled MORE THAN CONQUERORS Part 2 (SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT) with Apostle Joshua Selman. Find below some nuggets before downloading… It is not unusual to go through challenges and trying times. Without proper mentorship, Believers can become discouraged because there exists a clear contrast between what should be as captured in the Scriptures, and the reality found in their lives. It is not unusual for Believers to go through seasons that are challenging, discouraging, and frustrating. However, even in these circumstances, Believers must hold on to faith and trust in God. In the mind of God, your afflictions are considered light, no matter how great they may seem. There is also a set timing for them, as they are only temporary. There is a provision in the economy of heaven by which, pain and disappointments are transformed into glory. God is not the author of negative situations, but He has the power to use them as raw materials to birth His glory in your life. Just as wine finished and Jesus was called upon to intervene at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, sometimes, challenges don’t come because you are failing but because you are succeeding. In John 9:1-3. Jesus explained that the man’s blindness was not due to sin, but so that God’s works might be displayed in him. So, not all challenges arise from sin or a lack of faith; some are a result of your victories. The Believer in Christ Jesus can turn any challenge and situation whatsoever to their advantage, and to the glory of God. We’ve been called to a life of glory, grace and power. Sometimes things may go wrong, but when they do, it is not yet the end of the story! At times, your reality can be a stark contrast to the speakings of God. You are then left with the choice of either sticking to your reality or believing that which God has said concerning you. Most people pray, but do not know why the Bible mandates that we pray. The foundation of prayer is not the presence of satan, needs and expectations. When God gave mankind dominion, He activated their ability to use their will, making it scripturally incorrect for God to intervene in your life without verbalising your need for Him and His intervention. In the place of prayer, you have a God-given gift to use your will, and verbalise your need to God. God acts on a call-and-response system. It is those who call upon the name of The Lord that will be saved!

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