DOWNLOAD MP3: Relating With The Anointing by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI (Sermon)

Relating With The Anointing by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI

DOWNLOAD MP3: Relating With The Anointing by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI (Sermon) 4

Relating with the anointed negatively can bring curses to a man and relating postively with the anointed can bring blessing. Resisting people that are anointed means we are resisting God. Relationg with the anointed brings a good atmosphere with them. Relationg with the anointed brings impartation, Relationg with the anointed brings strength and unity, Relationg with the anointed helps you advance the Kingdom. Relationg with the anointed gets you to produce result. Keys to receive from the anointed: Believe that they are anointed, Understand and understudy their nature, Understand their boundries and weaknesses. Understand their likes and unlikes. You need to listen to this ser…

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