DOWNLOAD MP3: The Magnetic Power of the Cross by Apostle Edu Udechukwu (Sermon)

The Magnetic Power of the Cross by Apostle Edu Udechukwu

Apostle Edu Udechukwu messages

The Cross of Christ has a power of “spiritual magnetism” that forces every man to look upon what Jesus did and decide what he will do with it, Like a magnet draws iron filings to its powerful grip, so does the Cross draw the attention of every heart to either accept or reject the Savior and his death!. The real meaning of the cross can only be seen and understood through the eyes of the Spirit in a heart that is prepared to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. Those whose hearts are not ready to repent or whose spiritual eyes are blinded by sin and who still love that sin, will never be able to see the cross for what it really is. To them it is an event that happened long ago and they would just as soon forget about it. You need to listen to this ser..

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