Download MP3: Pulling Down Strongholds By Apostle Joshua Selman


Download MP3: Pulling Down Strongholds By Apostle Joshua Selman 4

Our victory is solely dependent on our comprehension, the way the kingdom works, men can ignorantly partner with the devil to against their lives. If anything is going to work in this kingdom there will be a point that you and God will play a mutual role.

A mindset is an ideology, valued system and way of thinking. If God want to walk with a man, one of the great challenges He can face is the structure of the mindset. When demons fortify a mindset and use it as their gateway into a person’s life, the mindset becomes a stronghold. That stronghold is a mindset that has been crystallized by the presence of demon spirit to ensure that the person consistently thinks that way.

(1) Mindset are gates and doors in the spirit realm that can authorize the word of God to operate in people’s life or authorize demons. The strength of Satan is the revelation he has about the p…

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