Covenant is God’s special way of assuring children of man His intentions and purposes. Although covenant is stair by the deeds of man, it is sustained and established by God. One of the everlasting advantage that children of man enjoys as the image of God is the authenticity of the covenants of God. That whatever God has said, nothing can change them provided man fulfill his own part of the agreement. The reason why many so called children of God could not walk and live in the covenant of God was not because they are not recognized by God, but rather because they do not understand the principles and sacrifices that activate such covenant. Sacrifice in this context does not mean the blood of human being or that of goat but the responsibility of man to the activation of such covenant. many always claim the blessing of Abraham, the wisdom of Solomon and the knowledge of Apostle Paul, but they are not always willing to go through the molding and making that release such great covenant. For every covenant that has been communicated by God either in His words or to you personally through Holy Spirit to be activated, you must be willing to know and understand the sacrifices you need to make. the sacrifices my include the brokenness of your selfish nature, your obsession with possession, dependence on your human nature and many more. Here is a powerful teaching that will broaden your horizon on the covenant of God and how to activate them in your life.