Download [Apostolic Technology] by Apostle Arome Osayi

Apostolic Technology By Apostle Arome Osayi mp3

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Seraphims are built to protect God’s holiness while Cherubims are built to protect His glory. The reason why Jesus was crucified was written on the cross in three languages: Hebrew, Latin and Greek. It was a price He paid to introduce the throne of God and to make it fully functional here on earth. The purpose of the cross was to secure a spiritual building here on earth.

When God wants to deal with you, He will make you a part of Jesus’ life and pierced body on the cross so that your life is backdated to the cross and you do not have a past. In the realm of the spirit there is no wrong only right because any action you take is a ma… You really need to listen to this powerful teaching!

Click on the below button to download the full sermon now [16mb]:

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