Download MP3: AS A MAN THINKETH by Apostle Joshua Selman

AS A MAN THINKETH by Apostle Joshua Selman mp3

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God’s desire is to build His kingdom in the hearts of men. The biggest limitation to this is the mind. Our mental alignment to the ways of the kingdom is responsible for all aspects of our lives. The mind is the access point of the Spirit to find expression in your life. You cannot be changed until your mind has been changed. Your life revolves round your thinking and perception about life.

There is nothing that can be done about your current situation until you are willing to submit your mind to something better. There is an ideology in your life, that is limiting God’s move in your life, and that’s why you are not ge…You can’t afford to miss this powerful teaching!

Click on the below button to download the full sermon now [26mb]:

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