DOWNLOAD MP3: It Came To Pass (Warring With Prophecy) BY Apostle Joshua Selman MARCH 23, 2025

DOWNLOAD MP3: It Came To Pass (Warring With Prophecy) BY Apostle Joshua Selman

DOWNLOAD MP3: It Came To Pass (Warring With Prophecy) BY Apostle Joshua Selman MARCH 23, 2025 2

Did you miss today’s Koinonia Abuja Service for March 23, 2025, Titled It Came To Pass (Warring With Prophecy) with Apostle Joshua Selman. Find below some nuggets before downloading… God’s realm is not eternity, God’s realm is NOW! He is not limited by time and space. Among the many names of God that represent His prophetic nature is the name Alpha – Omega, Beginning – Ending. This means that there is no progress with God, because His knowledge is not progressive, it is finite. Every spirit is prophetic in nature. Man (Humans), like God, is prophetic in nature because of the advantage of the duality of realms. There are many things written in the Scripture that may not bless the Believers if read from a historical or doctrinal standpoint, but from a Prophetic standpoint, the Scripture can profit every Believer. No prophetic word comes to pass by default; very few come to pass without the interruptions of men: usually, prophetic words that come to pass unaided by man’s engagement are called “written judgment.” Prophecy always demands human participation to come to pass. Prophecies always demand human participation for its manifestation. God has designed an economy that demands man’s (human) participation. If God speaks, then it is within His capacity to bring it to pass, but He has designed in His wisdom, an economy that demands God’s participation. When God speaks, He doesn’t factor within His speaking that there will be obstacles; it’s the beginning of your warfare and there is a participatory role. The awareness of God’s might can make man (humans) not accept the participatory role and responsibility that comes with engaging prophecy, relying on the belief that God can do all things, but as mighty as God is, He has designed man (humans) to participate in the becoming process. Believers must be aware that satan always fights the arrival of prophecy. This knowledge should make Believers angry until they war with every prophetic word spoken. Your obedience and engagement with a prophetic word is more important than merely hearing it. The gift of prophecy isn’t just about declaring prophecies—it also involves standing firm on God’s word or staying with the prophetic word and warring with it until it comes to pass. Take Anna the prophetess, for example; though there’s no record of her prophesying, she remained steadfast in prayer, warring with the prophecy until it came to pass. Fear is also a gateway to receiving. Many have embraced negative prophecies simply because they responded with fear when they heard them or saw them in a satanic dream. Just as Jesus stands at the door of a man’s heart in salvation, giving him the power to accept or reject Him, so also does man have the authority to reject negative prophecies.

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DOWNLOAD MP3: It Came To Pass (Warring With Prophecy) BY Apostle Joshua Selman MARCH 23, 2025 3

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