DOWNLOAD MP3: PENIEL-2022 Final-Session by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon)

PENIEL-2022 Final-Session by Apostle Joshua Selman

DOWNLOAD MP3: PENIEL-2022 Final-Session by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon) 4

When you have an experience with God, you will need to walk by faith. Faith is a lifeline that cannot be overemphasis by believers. It takes faith to dominate and to overcome the world. Faith is the name given to the action we take based on our conviction of who God is and the integrity of his word. Also in one word, Faith is obedience, Faith is not knowledge or merely believing. Though believing is part of the equation of faith, but it must come with obedience to birth result. Anytime you see that God is not answering you, there is something you are missing. You need to listen to this ser…

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