DOWNLOAD MP3: Persecution And Kingdom Advancement by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI (Sermon)

Persecution And Kingdom Advancement by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI

DOWNLOAD MP3: Persecution And Kingdom Advancement by APOSTLE JOTHAM BOBAI (Sermon) 4

No Kingdom advance without a cost and when you seek the kingdom of God you need to expect persecution and suffering. The moment we decide to live for Jesus we will be persecuted. To be persecuted means a campaign or an attempt to elimitate a particular faith based on your believe. To suffer means to endure pain and hardship for the sake of the kingdom. Decision to serve God and to advance his kingdom is a decison to face persecution and suffering and it will cost you something. Things about Persecution: It is a promise, Persecution and suffering are nto meant or aimed at destroy us but to refine and sharphen us to be better. Persecution and suffering see and identify genuine believers in christ. Persecution and suffering is not a sign that you are in sin. Persecution and suffering must only be about the kingdom. So in the midst of every persecution and suffering you can be assured that there will be deliverance. You need to listen to this ser…

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