The Deliverance Ministry 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 by Apostle Edu Udechukwu

The basic of satanic oppression is what is called subtility and conic. The intent of satan is to work so much in our lives that will makes it looks as if it is the ministry of deliverance. But according to Jesus deliverance is actually preached. Preaching is a capacity we receive by the annointing of the spirit to open the window of posibilities to men so that they can gain acces to that experience. There are three types of deiverance: the spiritual, The transformation which deals with the soulish and the physical which deals with the body. Deliverance is such that everyone can do it. The essence of deliverance is because of the mesiahanic annointing (preaching deliverance). The gospel is God plan to restore all that man has loss. Click on the links below to listen to this ser..

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