DOWNLOAD MP3: THE MAKING OF PEOPLE OF POWER By Pastor David Ogbueli (sermon)


DOWNLOAD MP3: THE MAKING OF PEOPLE OF POWER By Pastor David Ogbueli (sermon) 4

The plan of God for mankind is not to leave us in uncertainty at all time. Although we do not know the future, He has made provision for us to know what is likely to happen based on what has been experienced by some in the past. There is nothing new under heaven. So what ever it is that you need to be the great person you desire is available. You just need to channel your mind and focus on the right path. Wisdom is the right application of knowledge acquired by personal experience or through contact with other people. If you can not practice what you learn, then you are not worthy of the knowledge. If the many “HOW TO” are the answer then no one will be poor or go around depressed with problems, what solve problems is what you do with “HOW TO”. Download the series to learn how to be a better version of you.

Click the below button to download the message now (26mb)DOWNLOAD MP3: THE MAKING OF PEOPLE OF POWER By Pastor David Ogbueli (sermon) 5

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