DOWNLOAD MP3: THE PRAYER THAT PREVAILS By Pastor Daniel Olawande (Audio)

THE PRAYER THAT PREVAILS By Pastor Daniel Olawande

DOWNLOAD MP3: THE PRAYER THAT PREVAILS By Pastor Daniel Olawande (Audio) 4

Prayer is an act of communication between different entities. Some people pray to stone, graven images, idols and other man-made gods. They believe those objects are capable of helping them in times of need. The most common reason for prayer is timely help. As Chriatians, we pray to the almighty God who has power over everything seen and those unseen. Prayer is the representation of an humble mind before God. It is not wrong to say that the proud does not pray because, they believe they can do all things by thier own power. To pray to God is to commit our limited ability to the unlimited ability of God for a timely help and instant intervention. Many people has identified the reasons to be humble and ask God for help through prayers, but not all that prays have results for their prayers. What is the essence of prayers if there is no result? Most times, people do not have results of thier prayers not because they do not believe nor because God is not willing to answer them. The prayers that prevail are those prayers that are based on the revelation of the desired result. It is not just enough to talk and talk to God, you must be able catch the revelation that surrounds the actual results you desire. This message will open your eye to the keys that unlock prevailing prayers.

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