DOWNLOAD MP3: The Revelation of Jesus Impartation Service HOD Convention 2023 by Apostle Joshua Selman (Sermon)

The Revelation of Jesus Impartation Service HOD Convention 2023 by Apostle Joshua Selman

apostle joshua selman messages

The believer is mandated to know the lord as long as their passion can allow and we cannot exhaust knowing God. Jesus said about himself as the bread of life, The light of the world, The Door (the authorized access to God), The good shepherd, The resurrection and the life, The way the truth and the life and The true vine. There is a way that seems right in the face of a man but the ways thereof is the way of death, but Jesus is the way the truth and life. Anything without God can fails but anything with God cannot fail. The life is not just being death because there is life in death. So anything that can stop killing, stealing and destruction is known as life. The life of God is a holistic capture of everything that immune the believer from anything that steal, kills and destroy. The greatest administration of life is the translation from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of his dear son. You need to listen to this ser…

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