DOWNLOAD MP3: THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR by Apostle Joshua Selman (March 5, 2023)


DOWNLOAD MP3: THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR by Apostle Joshua Selman (March 5, 2023) 4

Did you miss today’s Koinonia Abuja Service for March 5, 2023, titled THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR by Apostle Joshua Selman Find below some nuggets before downloading…Discernment is a superior faculty that a believer in partnership with the Holy Spirit can sustain. Discernment is a state where a believer’s spiritual organs have been trainedto perceive impulses in the realm of spirit. Discernment is the ability to know what is happening even in the cosmos. One of the indicators used to assess a Believer’s spiritual maturity is the level of discernment. No Believer can excel consistently without discernment. Speed in the wrong direction adds burden to your life. Greener psture is not a physical location; it is God’s designated location for you. Speed without God is a highway to destruction. Believers must obtain the strategy for dominion for each prophetic season of their lives. Don’t make assumptions; Believers win by following the strategies given to them by The Holy Spirit. Every level a Believer attains in the spirit realm requires a sacrifice of alignment that commands and maintains dominion per season. Dominion in the cosmos is strategy dependent. The Bible teaches us three important lessons about the Tribe of Issachar: They were a tribe that understood and maximized times and seasons; They knew exactly what Israel should do and had uncanny knowledge and strategy; As a result of these, they had complete control over their brethren.

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DOWNLOAD MP3: THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR by Apostle Joshua Selman (March 5, 2023) 5

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