DOWNLOAD MP3: Victorious Christian Living by Bishop David Abioye (Sermon)

Victorious Christian Living by Bishop David Abioye

DOWNLOAD MP3: Victorious Christian Living by Bishop David Abioye (Sermon) 4

The Christian is expected to live a victorious life. But today, many are still operating under the power of sin, Satan and shame. Many are just wobbling, fumbling, struggling and faking it. The life of a child of God is a life of power. Jesus has not called us to live a passive and powerless life in this world, but a life of purpose and power, which will radiate the glory of God.

Unfortunately, today, many Christians are living far below the level God has purposed for them. There is a power that is at work within us. The world may not see it, but the power is at work within us. They might not understand it, but there is a power that is at work within us. It is the power of the Holy Spirit; the greatest power, wonder working power, the victorious living power. You need to listen to this ser…

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