Download Taking responsibility for your land by Bro Gbile Akanni (Audio MP3)

Taking responsibility for your land By Bro Gbile Akanni mp3

Download Taking responsibility for your land by Bro Gbile Akanni (Audio MP3) 3

Most times we think it is God who is not ready and we pray as if we want to move a reluctant God. So when nothing happens, we quietly claim that God is not ready to work and due to this unfortunate understanding, we now feel alright sitting, discussing and mourning our sorry state.

But when you come to understand God, you will be humbled to discover that God is actually waiting for you to arise. He is waiting for a man who will take responsibility, a man who will take initiative in God of what God Himself will embark and back up on earth. This should give you a concern. He is waiting for you to stand up, be re… You really need to listen to this powerful teaching!

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Download Taking responsibility for your land by Bro Gbile Akanni (Audio MP3) 4


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