In God’s economy, action is not enough. Infact, certain steps of action can even be termed disobedience. In God’s economy, results are not enough. God is obsessed with methodologies and how things arrive in this kingdom.A pattern is a modus operandi. It’s a prescribed or authorized methodology. A pattern refers to the correct way things are done.
In the dealing of God with man, You are not at liberty of suggesting how God deals with you. Creativity is not needed when you are dealing with intimacy.
When you begin to manifest Dominion, execution, legislation, that’s when you need creativity. When you’re walking with God, your brain and your intelligence is not suppose to be part of an influencer or contributor. God is the ultimate determinant of the formula that defines your relationship with Him. This look very hard because we live in a liberal society where we can not obey till we contribute. However, the bitter truth is that you can never be able to gr…You really need to listen to this powerful teaching!
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