INTIMACY WITH GOD By Apostle Mike Orokpo MP3
Our knowledge count for nothing if we cannot communicate Jesus to our generation, we must reduce so that Jesus will be magnified. Man is an idea and fellowship of the Spirit, therefore, man cannot exist apart from an idea and the fellowship of the Spirit. Ephesians 3:10
The Effect of the fall of man. Man became food for the devil, the falling man is dust because serpent seed on the dust.
Also, Man became a slave of his environment and the authority he had was handed over to the devil. Any time the man is moved by his environment what enter his is darkness that is the heart of the devil.
If you are ruled by your appetite you cannot rule over your environment. The moment you drink from the economy of flesh you will become dust and serpent will eat you, the only way to overcome flesh is to w… You really need to listen to this powerful message!
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