[Audio Sermon] MEN OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY – Apostle Michael Orokpo

Download MEN OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY MP3 by Apostle Michael Orokpo

[Audio Sermon] MEN OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY - Apostle Michael Orokpo 3

Luke 18:1
Sometimes whenever the scripture is read, it is pertinent to read in-between the lines in order to discover, spot and gain revelation of those letters, words, actions and inspirations that were not literally written or stated in that scripture.

That is to say, when an utterance is given by the Holy Spirit, in the place of prayer, it goes beyond the literal translation for man’s understanding. It translates into a deeper and more definite dimension which directly should coordinate one’s philosophical status for life.

This sermon is a must download for every believer who wishes to build a functional and burning altar.

Click on the below button to download the sermon now:


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