Download MP3: The Power of Process [Preparation] by Apostle Joshua Selman

The Power of Process By Apostle Joshua Selman mp3

Download MP3: The Power of Process [Preparation] by Apostle Joshua Selman 4

It is dangerous for a man to be committed to anything without adequate preparation. One of our greatest mistakes is that we have an obsession for result without minding the process thereof. We want to see results, signs and wonders, money and miracle but we never study the process. We should know that wisdom does not come from the results, but the wisdom comes through the process of the result.

The process that leads to the end in the kingdom is more powerful than the end itself. Fundamentally, you must answer the question to why you want everything you desire God yo give to you, God will never release anything to you if you c…You can’t afford to miss this powerful teaching!

Click on the below button to download the full sermon now [22mb]:

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