Download MP3: Wealthy Place Part 1 to 3 – Apostle Joshua Selman

The Wealthy Place By Apostle Joshua Selman MP3

Download MP3: Wealthy Place Part 1 to 3 - Apostle Joshua Selman 4

God seated in heaven thinking about you always to give you a glorious end. Everything that has beginning will definitely has end. It is only God that has no end because He did not has beginning. It is goodness of God that brings one into glory.

The concept of money is a key to the quality of our lives on earth and can even affect our eternity. When you find truth and it is really a truth, you will rejoice, it will gladden your heart.

The Church is an institution and the primary assignment of the institution is to shape people into a form. Any society is a total reflect of the institution in that area, that is why any revival and every society where gospel of Jesus Christ is embraced, civilization always c…

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