Whenever you are unable to tame your emotion accordingly, you become the slave of the circumstances. Your emotion should not be the driver in the journey of your destiny, you should rather base your life on the premise of the revelation of the words of God per time. Your emotion is not always genuine and it can be manipulated by forces like experience, desires, anxiety and many others. All these emotional influential are not always real and not dependable for life decision. Your current situation is not a surprise to God and as difficult as it may seems to you it is not difficult for God. Therefore you do not need to complain about them you had better pray to God about them. The more you complain, the less you obtain. When you cover your mind with negative thoughts and impossibilities, you will short out the positive ideas that are capable of solving your identified problems. There is need for you to monitor your emotion and find reason through the revelation of the word of God to praise God because He is good in all situation. You will be healed from any form of complaints listening to the teaching.