DOWNLOAD MP3: GOD’S IDEA OF CHURCH By Pastor Femi Lazarus (Audio)

GOD’S IDEA OF CHURCH By Pastor Femi Lazarus

DOWNLOAD MP3: GOD'S IDEA OF CHURCH By Pastor Femi Lazarus (Audio) 4

A church is a group of people who are united by faith to lift the hands of God at all areas of life. The first ministry of the Holy Spirit is to unite the church. The devil attack believers most time after they have been isolated from the body of Christ. The fellowship of brethren has a way of redeeming fellow brother or sister who is going through the process of isolation and destruction. It wrong for a Christian to hope to live in isolation of the church. The God’s idea of church is not that a strong immortal pastor is being placed on weak followers to direct them. It  is rather that a graced leader is being chosen among brethren to coordinate the body of Christ. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that once a person is a pastor or spiritual leader, all that he does must be right or that such person is infallible. Just as it is the duty of pastors to watch over the affairs of the church, it is the duty of the brethren to also watch over the life of the pastors has they humans like ourselves.

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