DOWNLOAD MP3: SYSTEM OF RISING PART 1,2 AND 3 By Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya (sermon)

SYSTEM OF RISING PART 1,2 AND 3 By Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya

DOWNLOAD MP3: SYSTEM OF RISING PART 1,2 AND 3 By Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya (sermon) 4

When you gave your life to Christ you are expected to grow and increase in knowledge as well as spiritual stature. The spiritual dimension that is trapped in our redemption is far beyond our imaginations. Jesus during His days on earth said “what He did and things greater than what he did will anyone that believes in Him will do. If then we believe in Him and get saved through His blood why are we still oppressed by the devil and are the demons still troubling us? Salvation can take you up there into the activation of God’s promises, your mind can bring you down here under the delegations of unseen forces. Your tomorrow may be the same as today until something positive happen to your mind. Your chances of making heaven depends on you salvation, your ability to reign here on earth depends on your mind. Click the links below  to download the message now







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