DOWNLOAD MP3: THE GLORY OF GOD BY Apostle Joshua Selman (October 15, 2023)


DOWNLOAD MP3: THE GLORY OF GOD BY Apostle Joshua Selman (October 15, 2023) 4

Did you miss today’s Koinonia Abuja Service for October 15, 2023, Titled THE GLORY OF GOD with Apostle Joshua Selman. Find below some nuggets before downloading… The glory of God is the holistic capture of everything that makes God who He is and can be revealed to the saints. His wisdom, grace,a dn anointing all culminate in His glory. There is a measure of God’s glory assigned to every believer, that should be revealed in theire lifetime. Sowing seeds in the spirit is like farming; every farmer endures to the end. Different plants yield fruits, with varying durations. Your role is to be patient. As believers, every activity done in the house of God is likened to sowing. The soil being sown on, can either be the spirit or the flesh. The first problem the average believer lies in the bankruptcy of the fundamentals of redemption, not in zeal or passion. The foundation of evry believer’s walk with God is what Jesus Christ has already done, which is the finished work. God remains constant, but His system of transiting believers to light is progressive.

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DOWNLOAD MP3: THE GLORY OF GOD BY Apostle Joshua Selman (October 15, 2023) 5

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