DOWNLOAD MP3: The Passing Savior Part 1 & 2 by Apostle Christian Nwoke (Sermon)

The Passing Savior Part 1 & 2 by Apostle Christian Nwoke

DOWNLOAD MP3: The Passing Savior Part 1 & 2 by Apostle Christian Nwoke (Sermon) 4

The story of blind bartimaeus was narrated in this sermon of how he heard that Jesus was passing buy so he had to cry Jesus Son of David should have mercy upon him. It was also mentioned that He was hungry for an enocunter but thre crowd was not hungry for an encounter. The ultrance God is saying as regard the subject matter is to be consitent and persistent. The Presence of God brings conviction. So anyone who will approach God we must believe that he exist and he is the rewarder of them that deligently seek him. Blind bartimaeus had a heart to put God first in all things and because of his earnestness and faith made him whole. Click on the links below to listen to this ser…





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