DOWNLOAD MP3: TIME MANAGEMENT By Pastor Daniel Olawande (Audio)

TIME MANAGEMENT By Pastor Daniel Olawande

DOWNLOAD MP3: TIME MANAGEMENT By Pastor Daniel Olawande (Audio) 4

Time is a resources that is supply at the same quantity to everyone but not utilized the same way by everyone. We all have twenty- four hours in a day and sperated into day and night, however, most often, we all don’t have the same output or operate at the same level of productivity. Time is life. Therefore, Time management means Life management. If you can not manage your time, you can not manage your life and if you do not have a satisfactory result from your used of time then your life has not been well used . The time waste is the life waste. What differentiate the successful from the failure is what they do with thier time. At times it can be tricky that you will be busy doing the good things which are in the real sense not the right thing to do at that point in time. When you chose to pray spiritually at the time you ought to study your book in preparation for exams or when you are busy replying messages at the time you should be listen to important teachings from your mentors. All these are important but become bad when they are done at the wrong time. This message will expose you to the genuine principles of time management that will help shape your life to be meaningful.

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