[MP3] ESTHER GENERATION by Apostle Mike Orokpo

ESTHER GENERATION by Apostle Mike Orokpo mp3

[MP3] ESTHER GENERATION by Apostle Mike Orokpo 3

According to our design as mortals, we were created with infirmities and God deliberately created us the way he did so that we will continually depend on Him. The best of us is a cheap prey in the hand of the devil – the best of us. The only advantage we have is the deposit of God on our inside. It’s therefore imperative for us to continually labor for what we carry on our inside. Flesh itself is called mortality and the word mortality means corruption- we are mortal men.

It is the addition of God to us that makes us the God kind. Every time we journey in departure from God we are journeying back to mortality, we are journeying back to our frailty we are journeying back to our weaknesses. The advantage we have in time is our fraternity we have in the Holy Spirit. The reason why many believers do not experience the supernatural hand of God in their life is because they don’t co… You really need to listen to this powerful teaching!

Click on the below button to download the full sermon now [15mb]:

[MP3] ESTHER GENERATION by Apostle Mike Orokpo 4


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