[Powerful Message] The Good Fight Of Faith by Bro Gbile Akanni

The Good fight of Faith by Bro Gbile Akanni

Gbile Akanni messages

It is yet a mystery the capacity with which the Apostles operated their faith in Christ and commitment to the work, that they caught the necessity and compulsion which was upon them as stated, to make sure the believers and churches within and outside the regions never lost grip of the salvation which was freely given unto them.

The apostles never gave up. They wrote day in day out, convincing and encouraging believers to continue in their steadfastness so that their faith doesn’t get lost nor should the message of salvation get mixed up with all that was happening in their time. The scripture said they were diligent labourers.

People who saw the necessity laid upon them. They repeatedly reiterated the Apostle Paul’s declaration and…

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