[Download] Oneness in the body of Christ – Bro Gbile Akanni

Oneness in the body of Christ By Bro Gbile Akanni mp3

[Download] Oneness in the body of Christ - Bro Gbile Akanni 3

There are seven dimensional oneness that we need to recognize if we really want to experience the great revival.
You need to recognize that God is not building two three of four bodies but one, and the body that God is building is the body of Christ. Of course there are so many denominations and so on but please you have to understand that it is one body. This one body is what God will visit. Whenever God is going to pour forth His glory in any community, He never pours it in fractions or the fragments because they will leak away.

It has taken the Holy Ghost a lot of time and effort to bring us to a place where we are going to agree that it’s not redeem, or peace house or anything but one body,, and these one body is saying come Lord, come and do what none of us can individually do, come and pour out your glory.
This is critical because, before Jesus was taken up from the Earth, he prayed about something, and this is why He gr… You can’t afford to miss this powerful teaching!


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