Assurance of Salvation by Apostle Joshua Selman MP3

Assurance of Salvation is one of the most searched messages by Apostle Joshua Selman, along with The furnace of affliction, Come out of your father’s house, and many others.
This is probably because of the deep insights the teaching carries. You can’t afford to not listen to this message. Download and share on your social media accounts right now.
Click on the below button to download the sermon now [8MB]:
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Assurance Of salvation seems not to be complete
That’s true sir. It was extracted from another message
Thanks! But the Assurance of salvation message is redirecting to furnace of Affliction message.
How can I download that assurance of Salvation message?
We’ve updated the download link sir. You can now download assurance of salvation by clicking on the download button.
Sorry for the inconvenience 🙏